Cancellation policy

Cancellation Policies

Participants safety is the most important thing and if any of the threatening conditions listed below are present the day of the event, the event may be delayed or canceled.

Threatening Weather Conditions

A Cycosports event may be canceled or delayed if any of the following weather conditions exist: Hurrican Warning, Monsoon Warning, Heavy Rain or Lightening / Thunderstorm, Unhealthy Haze / PSI levels or other major weather condition that will directly affect the health and safety of the participants.

Start of the Race / Cancellation of the Event

The start of the event may be delayed one hour from the posted start time if any of the above mentioned conditions exist. The event may then be canceled if any of the weather conditions persist: Hurrican Warning, Moonson Warning or Lightening / Thunderstorm, High Haze / PSI.

Political Uncertainlty

In cases where local political events or unsettling activities threaten the safety of riders, then an event may be postponed or canceled.

Authority to Cancel the Event

The Race Director, in conjunction with the local authorities, has the authority to cancel the event. If threatening weather conditions force cancellation of the event, no refunds can be provided, since funds were already spent in preparation for race day.

Broadcast of Cancelation

If the event is cancelled more than 24 hours prior to the start time: We will notify all participants by email. If the event is canceled less than 24 hours before start time: We will notify all participants by email. We will also try to call or send a text to all participants. If the event is cancelled during the actual event, on-site notification will be posted and communicated verbally.

Refunds in the Case of Postponment or Cancelation

Where an event is postponed or cancelled due to factors outside of Cycosports control, Cycosports has the sole descretion to provide partial or full refunds. Please bear in mind there are many “sunk costs” and deposits already made leading up to an event. In some cases we are unable to retrieve such deposits, hence race and logistics fees may not be able to be refunded.